Springtime Outdoor Activity for all ages: Mental-Image in Nature

With Spring in the air now is a great time to get outside. Whether you are a business or individual enjoying time in nature has numerous benefits.

ACTIVITY - Mental-Image Photographs - All ages

If you can bare to leave your phone at home and really take in nature you'll likely be surprised by the calming and refreshing effect this can have. 

As a creative exercise, why not try to capture the beauty of nature with mental-image photographs? Instead of taking digital "a snap" let’s get back to analogue.

Take a minute to explore the area around you,  close your eyes and visualise what you see, then open your eyes and draw/paint/write that image down as.

Tip - You could even use your thumb and index fingers to form a square, zoom in as far as you want.... click! You've captured a mental image in your head and heart! 


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